Saturday 3 May 2014

Consumer motivation (McDonald's)

Advertising persuades and motivates the consumers to buy the product.

Motivation is the inward drive we have to get what we need. In the mid-1900s, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, developed the hierarchy of needs.

I will try to explain the consumer motivation in one of the McDonald's advertisement, level by level, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The McDonald's TV commercial 

break the habit of a lunchtime


Food is very important and it is impossible to survive without having food everyday. People’s physiological need for hunger is recurring, you eat breakfast and are hungry at lunchtime and then again in the evening. Thus it is important to have a full lunch everyday. A lunch in McDonald's not only keeps you alive but also saves you from hunger.


You feel safe about your health. Although it is a fast food restaurant and fast food has always been labelled as unhealthy food, there are chicken and vegetables in the wraps which can provide you the basic nutrition and energy you need everyday, which makes you feel healthy. Moreover, the wraps in McDonald's are much better than disguisting can food or microwave food. Hence, it is a better choice for lunch.

You also feel safe about your employment, because the nutrition and energy you get from your lunch everyday can improve your performance in work.  

Love and belonging

In this advertisement, when the man is eating in McDonald's restaurant, he is surrounded by other people who are eating as well. And everyone is enjoying the food, creating a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. Therefore, sMcDonald's makes you feel belonged, dine in McDonald's restaurant makes you feel comfortable. And McDonald's restaurant can be a place of relaxation or shelter from stressful workplace.


Fast food has a negative connotation, so McDonald’s is trying to get consumers to think about its offerings as being better. In this advertisement, the man may be under pressure in his work, however, he feels satisfied and relaxed when having lunch in McDonald's. What's more, eating in McDonald's is considered to be a kind of self-reward lunch break from his work.

After this healthy, good-tasting lunch, you will be confident and energetic for work in the afternoon, and you will probably achieve some goals and get promotion.


You believe that you will be completely alter from the person you were before after changing your habit of lunch. You have a nice job. You enjoy your lunch everyday in a nice restaurant, where you can relax and think about life during your lunch break. You smile a lot and always feel happy. You don't need to worry about your health and job. You never complaint about anything. You can always solve problems at work. You can become the person in life that you feel you were meant to be if you are consuming the product in the advertisement.